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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Living with depression

Depression is a highly misunderstood disease. It is often made fun of, dismissed, or seen as a weak excuse. Being someone who has lived with it for 2/3 of my life, I would say to those attitudes: "screw you". =) I know there are always those who will never understand what those of us with crippling diseases go through on a day to day basis, but it would be nice to not be judged by them. They can keep their opinions to themselves. What I don't think they realize is that their judgemental attitudes only make my depression worse, adding guilt to the cocktail of feelings I have.

All of us feel depressed at one time or another. It is a part of life. It is something everyone should be able to understand. Having to fight with the feelings everyday is tiring and discouraging. Somedays it takes everything in my soul to get myself out of that bed or off the couch and make myself do something as simple as getting myself a drink. On those days the thought of picking up a room or playing with my children makes me want to cry. This fact makes me feel worthless, which adds to my depression. It is a vicious cycle and some days it takes help from friends and family as a supplement to my medication to keep me from going over the edge and crawling back into my bed to ignore the world.

I know my family is affected by my depression, and it seems to have gotten worse in the past couple of months, though why that is i have no idea. I know depression is kind of a taboo subject in today's society, but I feel it is one that needs to be discussed and better understood. Just like with any disease, with knowledge comes understanding, and with understanding comes acceptance and the ability to help those with the disease. It is not easy for me to say to just anybody, but I have depression and I work every day to overcome the challenges that come with it and be the best person I can be.

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